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Welcome to The Secrets to 5.0 Newsletter

Hello! 👋 

And thank you for subscribing to my newsletter!

My aim is to make this the MOST valuable piece of content you consume when it comes to improving in pickleball.

If you’re looking to get better, but don’t have “next level” players in your area, how do you improve without being exposed to that competition?

That is EXACTLY my focus! 🫵

I’m going to open your eyes to new concepts and strategies that top players use. This way, you can focus directly on things to improve upon, instead of being stuck where you are.

In today’s email:


  • 🧠 Feed your pickleball brain

  • ⏱️ Get your 60-second fix

  • 🙋‍♂️ What I’m working on right now

Welcome to The Secrets to 5.0 Newsletter! Let’s go!

Hit PERFECT Resets

The reset is the MOST overlooked shot in pickleball. Every player MUST master it in order to advance their game to the next level.

Some might think it’s boring or choose not to work on it because it’s not flashy like some other shots. But, those people will never improve and wonder why they aren’t getting any better. 👎

Here Are 3 Takeaways From the Video:

🧘‍♂️ Be still

Too many people make the mistake of moving while trying to hit a reset. You need to be as still as you possibly can. That will allow you to make solid contact and catch the ball with the sweet spot of your paddle.

🎯 Make yourself a small target

Another HUGE mistake players make when trying to reset the ball is standing too tall and taking up too much space on the court.

Instead, you want to make yourself into a small target by bending your knees and keeping your paddle low.

A low paddle helps reduce the amount of power you put on the ball. Also, by staying low, you can recognize out balls much more easily.

🧽 Absorb the shot

If you’ve ever seen a catcher in baseball, you know they don’t fully extend their arm to catch a ball from a pitcher. Instead, they slightly bend their elbow and absorb the pitch.

That’s the exact same technique you should use when resetting the ball. You don’t want to extend your arm out at the ball, instead, you want to “catch” it when it reaches you.

🔔 Practice perfect resets with this drill

Stand in the transition zone as described in the video and have your drilling partner hit overheads toward your feet. If your technique is good, your reset should have a high arc that lands softly into your opponent’s kitchen.

If you don’t have a partner to drill with, you can even practice this against a wall.

Stand about six feet from the wall and hit overheads at it to make the ball come really fast to your feet.

As soon as you hit the ball, crouch down into your reset position and focus on catching the ball softly on your paddle.

It’s going to take some getting used to, but once you get into a rhythm, practicing this on a wall can be an effective way to improve for games.

That’s it! Now get out there and hit those perfect resets.


When at the baseline or in the mid-court, NEVER 🙅‍♂️ drive two balls in a row. If you drive one, ALWAYS drop💧 the next.

Who covers the middle?

EVERYONE knows the forehand covers the middle, right? 🤔 

Not so fast. 🛑

It’s a common misconception we need to get squared away.

Watch the video to learn who should ACTUALLY cover the middle.


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Today’s paddle ‘tip’

Here’s what I’ve been focusing on during this past week of training. 👀👂

I’ve noticed from film review, that a glaring weakness of mine is PADDLE TRACKING. 😱🤔

Meaning that there are certain scenarios where if the ball comes at me, I’m caught way off guard and lose the point. 😔

A prime example of this is when my partner is in a hands battle after 2-3 exchanges back and forth with the opponent. If the ball comes through the middle, or at me, I’m always ‘surprised’ by it.

This is because I’m keeping my paddle tip straight ahead and not following the ball with it.

The proper way is wherever the ball is, the tip of your paddle should ALWAYS point directly at it. This way, if the ball comes near you, you’re WAY quicker to react.

Here’s how I plan on fixing it:

I’m going to force myself to be very MINDFUL and CONSCIOUS of my paddle tip. If I’m dinking cross-court, after I hit the shot, I’m going to follow the ball with the tip of my paddle.

This will help me anticipate better and develop quick hands like the pros.

🙌 🎉 🥳

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